How To Advance

Advancing from L1 to levels 2 – 5 requires comprehension of and ability to execute the fundamentals we teach.  It is not based on talent/physical ability. We use a series of fundamental drills and concepts throughout all levels of our programs from ages 6 to our MLB students. Basic proficiency in those is the key to advancing to level 2 – 5. Typically for new TPC Athletes, it will take 3 months to complete the onboarding process  and subsequent class/private lesson training to be fully introduced to, learn and gain proficiency in the fundamental drills and mechanics concepts. This will also give our training staff enough time to determine a player’s level of commitment, focus, attitude, and work ethic which we note as “class contribution”.

Students will acquire points based on quality attendance in L1 training classes and private lessons.  Advancement will require a minimum point total, skills and drills proficiency testing and trainer recommendation.  Our objective is to move students to level 2 – 5 as soon as they are ready based on all factors listed below. At TPC we train S.M.A.R.T. Specific Measurable Achievable Repeatable Tested

Level Advancement Scoring System: students will be scored on the quality/value of their class/private lesson attendance.  Points are acquired with an active membership only and begin accruing immediately upon enrollment.  Points will begin to diminish with 30 days with new points and reset to 0 after no more than 90 days.  COMING SOON: student profile that will include real time points information and additional relevant information about your player’s training progress.

Productive +3 Fully engaged with effective effort to improve and a positive class contribution.  This is the expected type of participation.
Attended +1 Participating but not engaged nor effortful
Disruptive -2 Distracting class flow and productivity in any manner
Outstanding +5 Extraordinary effort and class contribution
No Show -1 No notice “no show” for a registered class or lesson or 3 consecutive weeks without attendance.